It has been a while since I did my 100th day and still have not got around to posting it. It has been busy around here to say the least. To sum up quickly I spent days 5 last week helping my friend, Celeste, demo and start rebuilding her master bathroom. We got this amazing opportunity to do this for
Renovation Realities on the DIY Channel. It was a lot of work but it was
great fun and I learned so much! It was such an interesting thing to do both from a construction standpoint and a seeing behind the sceens of tv standpoint. While we renovated we tried to keep it green as much as possible. We recycled, got biodegradable plastic liners and tried to reuse as much stuff as we possibly could. It was a wonderful opportunity to help a friend and have such a unique experience and it was the perfect thing for my 100th Good Human Act. I will let everyone know when it will air, I think they said it will be in June.
I have loved doing a Good Human Act every day. It has made me so aware of the planet, people and situations around me. I will not blog daily about my deeds anymore but will continue to try and do something helpful every chance I get. I will definitely blog when I get some great ideas or about new things that I try still. Thank you to everyone who helped me with ideas or projects or comments and support. I love you all, you all help me to be a better human!
Our Renovation Reality |