Today was my MOMS Club's Annual Bake-Off at 10 am. (YUM!) On the way to drive my son to school, I had a quick inspiration that we could donate some of the left over goodies to our local firefighters for our Good Human Act today. So, when I got home at 9:15 I rushed to make a second entry, my go-to recipe for chocolate chip cookies, (which surprisingly took first place) to be sure there would be enough desserts to donate. I also had my son help me make a quick "Thank you" card for everyone to sign. I wasn't sure if any of the ladies would be interested in this idea, but because it is such an
amazing and generous group of ladies, they couldn't be happier to donate some treats and show their gratitude to some of our local servicemen and women. A friend helped me make the drop. We ended up going to the Fire Department with a huge plate of cookies, 2 plates of sweet breads, a plate of cake and a bag full of homemade corn bread. When we got there the firetruck was just driving away to help more people and we thought we were going to have to come back another time, but after a little bit an ambulance and a firetruck came by and we were able to share our appreciation with them. To my surprise they asked us if we wanted to come and look around and we all got to check out the huge firetruck. They even let our boys climb in the truck and turn on the lights!! It was so nice and just emphasized how worthy our Firefighters are of a little show of thanks!
Firefighter Cal. |
Thank You Card by Calon. |
Daxon and Calon in the Truck! |
Keep up the good human stuff! You inspired me the other day at the Walmart check out. There was a grandma and grandpa with a sick little girl in line in front of me and they only had enough money to get the medicine for the little girl and had to put back their mayo so I thought of you and I told them that I needed to do my good deed for the day and put it on my tab. They said thank you and it made me feel really good! It truly is better to give than to receive isn't it? from Hollie
ReplyDeleteThat is wonderful Hollie! Now the little girl will feel better and so will the grandparents!