Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 33: Donate a Turkey

With Thanksgiving so close I was wondering what I could do for a Good Human Act that would fit the Holiday. And lo and behold my sister in law, Kenz, just recently posted a message on her facebook about donating some turkeys which is BRILLIANT and the perfect idea!! I thought it would be an easy task to find a local place that was having a turkey drive, but surprisingly it took me quite a bit of searching to find a place that would accept perishable food donations. The Albuquerque Rescue Mission was thrilled to have it donated though, as they were having a Thanksgiving Banquet today as well as on actual Thanksgiving Day that will feed thousands of local homeless people and families. Plus, it helped that Smith's was having a great deal on turkeys so I was able to donate an almost 21 pound turkey for only $9!

A little more about The Albuquerque Rescue Mission:
 The Albuquerque Rescue Mission offers homeless and near-homeless men and women a variety of daily and restorative services and a network of programs and services to help needy people find housing, employment, and new life in Christ. The caring staff and volunteers not only help meet basic needs, but also help homeless people get off the streets and become stable, productive members of society.
The services offered at the Albuquerque Rescue Mission are available to anyone regardless of age, race, 
nationality,religious or sexual orientation. The services while broad are meant to meet the immediate real 
physical needs of the individual and open a door for restoration leading to a meaningful and productive life, 
active participation in a church body and restored relationships with family and community.  


  1. Way to go Ange! I had a difficult time finding a place as well! Thought it would be simple. Enjoy your turkey day! Kenz

  2. Thanks for the great idea Kenz!!
