Last night was our city's Winterfest. Winterfest is a Holiday celebration with a parade, pictures with Santa, fireworks and other Holiday events, and this year it was in celebration of the city's 30th anniversary! Now, I went to the Holiday parade for the city 2 years ago and vowed to never go again. I had told our kids we would go and meet a friend there, but our friends kids got sick and they couldn't make it, my husband was stuck at work and couldn't come, we had never been so it took me 15 minutes to find a place to park, which turned out to be really far away, I stepped in cactus on our fast walk to the parade, I was pregnant and had two small kids that both wanted to be held because it was a cold and windy night, they both hated the sounds of the police motorcycles and cars that went off throughout the parade and it was the first year that candy was not thrown out to the kids so they were disappointed by that too, needless to say it was "zero fun sir". So, the thought of going out to the Winterfest again this year, even though it was for my Good Human Act, kinda had my skin crawling. But it was in a new location this year, we had friends who were coming over to meet us this year and the kids got wind of it and were excited, plus I really liked the fact that it was the 30th anniversary rather than just for the Holidays, so we ventured out to the Parade. There were tons of people out to support the city and it's efforts, there were 5 grounded hotair balloons doing a balloon glow and 10,000 luminarias around. It was much better than I expected and a million times better than last time. We had a prime parade spot and on the walk back to our car the fireworks show went off and we were literally underneath it, it was pretty awesome! The kids loved it and I would definitely give it another try next year. Plus, it was really nice to see the mayor and all the groups in the parade decorated to the theme of celebrating Rio Rancho and honoring it's 30th anniversary as a city! Yay Rio Rancho!
Ready for the Parade! |
With the Intel Hot Air Ballon! |
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