My mother-in-law, Ina, sent me a link to pledge not to text while driving a few days ago and it wasn't until today when I got a few texts from people while driving to the Natural History Museum in Albuquerque that I realized I should be signing that pledge. I typically only text when I am stopped at a red light or in really slow traffic because I am not very good at multi-tasking but today I text, (with voice hopefully that is not as bad) while driving on the freeway- which I really shouldn't have done. So, needless to say for my Good Human Act today I signed the pledge and when I did I found that for every person that signs AT&T is donating $2 to the National Organization for Youth Safety, which a great added incentive to sign the pledge to not text while driving.
Here is the link if you want to take the pledge and have $2 donated in your name from
And here is a little more information about the NOYS, that the pledge donation goes to:
NOYS is a collaborative network of over 65 national organizations, federal agencies and business and industry leaders that serve youth and focus on youth safety and health. Through this network, NOYS influences more than 80 million young people, ages 5 to 24 and adult advisors.
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