Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 49: Shorten Your Shower

Yesterday's Good Human Act of low flow toilets got my mind thinking about all the ways we could be saving water. So, today I wanted to try another way to conserve the shower! I am not a fan of showering, ya weird I know, it just seems like such a waste of time and water (unless you really need it), especially in the winter when I have to blow dry my ton of hair right after I get it wet so my head doesn't freeze and fall off. Regularly I try to shower only every other day, however I am training for a race in February so I am exercising 6 days a week and now consequently have to shower 6 days a week so I don't become known as the Abominable Sweat Mom, boo. I still only wash my hair 3-4 times a week, but I now have to hose down  almost every day. Today I wanted to see if I could at least save a bit of water and time in the shower by seeing how fast I could hop in and still get everything done (without feeling completely rushed). I was able to get done in just under 2 minutes today, it wasn't a hair washing day which would have bumped me up a little but I got everything else squeaky clean from face to toes and even shaved my armpits, sorry if that is TMI :) It felt like a really quick time!

Here is a little information on saving water in the shower from Utah's Division of Water Resources:

Showers and Baths
Showers and baths consume about 18% of the water used indoors. You can save water in the shower by installing low-flow showerheads, keeping each shower short and sweet, and running the water only when it is needed to lather up and rinse off.

Keep Showers Short & Sweet
Taking unecessarily long showers wastes water. Reducing the length of your shower by just one minute could save you up to 1,825 gallons of water each year.

Run Water Only When Needed
By far the best way to save water in the shower is to only run the water when needed. This practice can reduce the water used to less than 10 gallons each shower and will save you money each year.

Another cool website I found called Crunchy Domestic Goddess had a challenge on her website back in 2008 to see if all her readers could reduce their shower time, here is a quote from her page:

Did you know that the average shower length is 8 minutes*? By reducing that to 5 minutes, you can reduce the amount of water you use by nearly one-third, or roughly 10 gallons per day. And that’s where this challenge comes in. I’m challenging all of my readers to reduce their shower time to 5 minutes. If you already take a 5 minute shower, perhaps you’ll consider cutting back a little bit more? Reducing the length of your shower by just one minute could save you up to 1,825 gallons** of water each year.

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