Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 60: Have a Tree Planted for Shopping Online

Before I get to my Good Human Act for the day I just want to put a HUGE thank you out to the Millae family in our neighborhood for being such GREAT humans. Our dog, Tank, got out last night somehow when we got home from AZ and we could not find her anywhere. Normally, when she has gotten out before we get a phone call right away with her whereabouts from her collar, but we received no such call this time. Fortunately our HOA sent out an email today saying someone found a dog and to contact them if it was ours!! It was Tank! A family had kept her all night long, put up signs by the mailbox, that we never saw, and contacted the HOA, which worked brilliantly because we were able to call and go get her! When I picked her up I found that her collar was still on but her tag was missing! I can not thank the family enough for going out of their way to care for her and try to find her home, especially when it took more work than just calling a number on her tag! We appreciate it is sooo much! Thank you for being so amazing!

As for our small act, that cannot compare in any way, today my Mom told me about a website called Totsy, which is a website that sells children's items designed to give Mom's great deals and is also very green. The things that made me check it out is that they plant a tree for you with your first purchase. I made my first order today for my Good Human Act. I got a couple books, that were really inexpensive for my boys- they seem to have some really great deals, I got free shipping, a tree planted for me and they immediately sent me a certificate for $10 off my next purchase. It seems like a great company with a great environmental awareness and I am happy to have learned about them and support them.

Here is more info on there Greeness:

Being Green


For today's world and tomorrow's generation, Totsy is the first company in private sales to take on sustainable and socially responsible initiatives in all areas of business. It’s not always easy being green, but it’s worth it for the future of our children!

Totsy - carbon balanced with TerraPass


Totsy is environmentally conscious in everything we do. We recycle at the office, use less packaging materials when shipping, and support eco-friendly partners whenever possible.
And don't forget about our carbon footprint! Through a partnership with TerraPass, Totsy has reduced its carbon emissions by sponsoring clean energy and carbon reduction projects. Held up to the highest standards in environmental leadership, the conservation and efficiency measures we implement now will help us continue to lower our carbon footprint.

One Baby, One Tree™


Totsy plants one tree in honor of your child when you make your first purchase. And, every time you shop with us - we’ll keep it watered for you! As your tree grows bigger, it continues to do more for the environment! Together with Pure Planet and Objective Carbon Zero, we are reducing the effects of deforestation, slowing the effects of global warming, preserving biodiversity, and helping small-scale farmers continue to produce diverse and localized crops.


Your trees will be planted in Alto Huayabamba, located in the Amazonian highlands in Tarapoto, Peru. This is the most established reforestation project developed by Pure Planet.


  1. does this with books/textbooks as well.

  2. Awesome, thanks. I will definitely check it out!
