Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 24: Supporting Local Growers

Today I took an idea from my sister and Mom and went to our local Grower's Market in Corrales. In all the time I have lived in New Mexico, I am sad to say, I have never been. It is a chilly day and is getting pretty cold here so there were not many stands or an overabundance of produce, but there was still some great stuff and some very nice growers! I took my middle son, Calon, with me this morning to pick some food to support the growers for my Good Human Act. He loved going to the stands and checking what they had, he also loved helping me pick out the tasty snacks we were going to buy! It was a really nice time. We ended up getting a pound of tomatoes (hand chosen by Cal), a really nice white onion, a small container of fresh, low sugar, strawberry jam and a larger green tomato jam, that tastes like apricot- yum! I can not wait to go back in the spring and summer when the stands are brimming over with fresh goodness.


  1. You will love the farmer's market in the summer! I've been going regularly for years now and the Corrales market is the best - on Sundays in the summer they even have live music and burritos and so many stands packed full of goodness. The Los Ranchos market is pretty good too.

  2. Really?! That sounds so awesome! I can't wait to check it out! Where is the Los Ranchos Market?

  3. You should check out Los Poblanos Organics! We get a box delivered every week of local organic fruits and veggies and even bread made in Santa Fe (they even have meat ;) is so wonderful! But, it is fun going to local farmer's markets too! -Megan
